ACEDC Revolving Loan Funds


ACEDC为企业提供5,000至100,000美元的固定利率贷款. As loans are repaid, 这些资金被ACEDC以新贷款的形式再投资于社区. 


ACEDC还与商业银行等其他金融合作伙伴合作, alternative lenders, 以及佛蒙特州经济发展局(VEDA)开发满足成长型企业需求的融资方案. 

Contact us: or (802) 388-7953.

ACEDC Revolving Loan Funds

ACEDC的循环贷款资金主要来自美国农业部农村发展中介再贷款计划. ACEDC的贷款基金不同于传统的贷款项目,因为它可以为那些由于业务性质未经证实而难以获得传统融资的企业提供资金, their small size, collateral situation, or unconventional product line. However, ACEDC typically cannot be the primary lender. ACEDC provides gap financing. 借款人必须与商业贷款机构取得联系,并被告知银行不能为该项目提供融资或不能为整个项目提供融资.

The first step is to contact ACEDC: or (802) 388-7953

Who Qualifies for ACEDC’s Revolving Loan Fund?

现有企业和初创企业均可获得资金. ACEDC与当地银行和其他金融机构合作, 通常作为“缺口融资”部分,帮助满足地区企业未满足的资金需求. 贷款可用于下文所述的各种举措. 包括ACEDC在内的任何贷款机构都需要商业计划和商业预测. 如果您需要协助准备商业计划和预测准备, 联系艾迪生县VT小企业发展中心顾问:Sarah Kearns (802)771-5820.

What Can I Use ACEDC’s Revolving Loan Fund For?

Loans must be used for community development projects, the establishment of new businesses, expansion of existing business, creation of employment opportunities, or saving existing jobs. The project must occur in Addison County.

Loans may be used for, but are not limited to:

  • 商业和工业收购时的贷款将使企业免于倒闭, prevent the loss of employment opportunities, or provide expanded job opportunities
  • 业务新建、改建、扩建、修缮、现代化或发展
  • Purchase and development of land, easements, rights-of-way, buildings, facilities, leases, or materials
  • 设备购置、租赁改善、机械或用品
  • Pollution control and abatement.
  • Transportation services
  • Start-up operating costs
  • Feasibility studies
  • Working capital (long term)


Loans from ACEDC may not be used for:

  • Lines of credit
  • Agricultural production
  • Refinancing existing debt (except in limited circumstances)
  • Golf courses or race tracks

What Are The Rates and Terms of These Loans?

Interest rates are fixed for the term of the loan. 每笔贷款的利率由本会贷款委员会根据现行利率厘定, the rates charged by the primary lender, collateral coverage, and other risk factors.

贷款期限视资金用途而定,但一般为3-10年. 购买房地产和建筑的贷款期限可能更长.

ACEDC将为项目提供高达40%的资金,不超过10万美元. Typically, 银行或其他贷方(或其他贷方的组合)将为该项目提供50%或更多的资金. 借款人将被要求以所有者权益的形式出资一定比例.

申请时需要支付100美元的申请费,不可退还. 如果贷款获得批准,则需要支付1%的承诺费,并可能收取额外的成交费用.

How Do I Apply for a Loan?

如果您还没有这样做,请联系Fred Kenney, ACEDC执行董事(802-388-7953或 您必须在申请之前与执行主任讨论您的项目. 


创建一个用户帐户,完成并提交您的申请. Be sure to click "submit" when the application is completed. 除非贷款申请已填妥,否则本会贷款委员会不会考虑贷款申请.  提交申请时需支付100美元的不可退还申请费.

As with other lenders, 康发会的循环贷款基金要求制订健全的业务计划,清楚说明业务及新基金的用途. The plan should address the industry and its trends, the market, and the company’s management and operations. 还需要提供历史和当前的业务和个人财务信息以及预计的运营结果. 

How Long Will It Take to Get A Loan?

Once your application is determined to be complete, 贷款委员会会进行贷款分析,然后开会考虑你的要求. 如果你的贷款被批准,一份承诺函将寄给你签字. 一旦我们收到您签署的承诺信,同意您的贷款条款和条件, 我们的律师将准备结案文件,我们将安排您的贷款结案. 在结束之前或结束时,您将需要提供额外的文件, such as a Certificate of Good Standing and Insurance Binder. 一个相对简单的贷款可能需要2-3周,一旦我们有你完成申请关闭. A more complex loan may take 3-6 weeks or more.

What If I Have More Questions?

如果您在审阅贷款申请后还有其他问题, please contact Fred Kenney, Executive Director, at 802-388-7953.





Flex Fund Vermont Capital Continuum chart

Flex Fund Vermont Capital Continuum definitions

Great starts here!

Fred Kenney, ACEDC Executive Director & Elizabeth Burdine, ACEDC财务总监与Jordan Benjamin参观了Aqua Vitea的新装瓶生产线, AquaVitea CFO

Fred Kenney, ACEDC Executive Director & Elizabeth Burdine, ACEDC Finance Director 与AquaVitea首席财务官Jordan Benjamin一起参观AquaVitea的新装瓶生产线